these are my 7am eyes
Since Valentine's was on Sunday this year, it's like all weekend was Valentine's. How lovely.
Friday night Matt and I went out. He had this great evening planned. First we were going to eat at Red Lobster for free (with his gift certificates courtesy of Santa) and then a surprise that he wouldn't tell me about that started at 8p, then a movie or something after if we still had energy.
It was a great plan. Here's what really happened:
Matt cleaned his car prior to picking me up. He used the public car vacuum so when he picked me up his car kind of smelled like a hobo. We named him Tammy. (Tin-pan Tammy) Then we went to Red Lobster. The hostess said it would take no longer than 45 minutes. 30 minutes later they told us it would be another 20 minutes. At this point it was 10 to 7. They told us really no longer than 15 minutes. At 7:10 we were the next on the list but had to go so we wouldn't miss...
Chris Merritt in concert at Velour. :)
We grabbed burgers from Burger Supreme on the way -they cost him $13... yikes. Then we went to Velour and well, the concert didn't start at 8, doors opened at 8 which meant that the concert started at 9, which means we could have had a better dinner for free if we had stayed at Red Lobster... Matt was a little put off. We had time to kill, however, so we went to Communal for dessert. We got a Quince Pandowdy (which is basically a coffee cake) and icecream. It was really good, but again cost Matt more money than he anticipated -especially when he anticipated free dinner... But the concert was great. The openers were really good, and Chris Merritt was amazing. We had a great time and saw Sophie there on a first date with a guy named Phil. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
When he came over he told me he had hidden a valentine in my closet the night before -it was a cat valentine and a box of Ferrero Rochers. Wonderful.
We enjoyed breakfast and tons of terrible photos before I went back to sleep and didn't wake up for church.
Instead I spent the time I should have been worshiping serving my roommates. I cleaned the whole house, mopped, swept, vacuumed, made beds, did dishes, windexed, tidied, and Matt came over and cut out paper hearts for over an hour. We strung them all over the house. Then I made homemade macaroni and cheese and chicken for my roommates so they could eat upon arrival back home from Church. Boys came over in the evening and we all watched "While You Were Sleeping."
It was a wonderful weekend and first Valentine's Day with Matt. Have I ever mentioned that he is amazing? Nearly perfect. I adore him and I am so thankful for him. He makes everything better and we had a wonderful Valentine's Weekend.